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How to Deep Clean Your Refrigerator and Freezer

September 12, 2024

We all know that feeling when we open the fridge hoping for a quick snack, and instead get greeted by a mysterious odor or a sticky mess that's been hiding in the back corner. There’s no clearer sign that it’s time to deep clean the fridge. Some homeowners prefer to invest in professional house cleaning services in Des Moines to take this off their backs. 

Others may prefer tackling this on their own. Knowing how to do this will help you in the long run, no matter what type you are. Let's break it down into simple steps and get your fridge and freezer looking and smelling their best.

How to deep clean a fridge and freezer?

If you want to be thorough and do this right, the following steps can significantly help:

Empty out the fridge and freezer

The first step is to unplug your fridge and freezer. This will save energy while you’re working and prevent any accidental electrical shocks. Then you have to take everything out, including the shelves and drawers. As you’re emptying, use the opportunity to check expiration dates and get rid of anything that’s expired. It’s also a good idea to group similar items together to make it easier to put them all back in an organized way.

Tackle the removable parts

Now it’s time to take care of the shelves, ice trays, and other removable parts. You can scrub them down with warm water and dishwasher soap, the same way you would wash the dishes. Some people prefer using a cleaning product for this. These are usually made specifically for this purpose and contain bio-ethanol and soda, or another combination that’s safe to use.

Others prefer to go fully natural, so they may use a paste made of baking soda and water. Whatever you choose, make sure everything is completely dry before putting it back inside.

Take care of the interior

With the removable parts out of the way, you’ll have better access to the interior. You should wipe down all the surfaces with the same fridge product if that’s what you’re using. Soapy warm water should also do the trick. If you prefer natural solutions, you can mix equal parts white vinegar and water and use that. 

Wipe down the exterior

The outside of your fridge and freezer deserves some attention too. You can wipe out the exterior with a damp microfiber cloth and some mild soap or use a universal cleaning product that you generally use. The door handles in particular are high-touch surfaces that can harbor a lot of germs, so don’t forget about them. If your fridge has condenser coils on the back, you can take a moment to gently vacuum them

Put everything back

Before you start putting things back in, make sure the interior is completely dry. As you’re putting things back in, you can organize everything by type or by the best position for that specific type of food. For example, don’t put food that’s close to the expiration date or sensitive to the cold in the back of the fridge. Once everything is back in its place, you can plug in your fridge and freezer. Let them cool down for a bit before adding anything perishable.

How do I get the rotten smell out of my freezer?

A lingering rotten smell in your freezer can be a sign that something’s wrong. Before you tackle the odor itself, you have to find and eliminate the source. 

  • Check for spoiled food and dispose of anything that seems expired.
  • Look for spills and leaks and if there are any wipe them down.
  • Check the drip pan for any stagnant water or debris, empty it, and wipe it down.

Once you’ve found and addressed the source of the smell, you should deep clean the freezer with warm soapy water or a commercial freezer sanitization spray. You can also use natural odor absorbers like baking soda, coffee grounds, or activated charcoal. Commercial odor eliminator products designed for freezers can also help and should be safe to use.

How do I find reliable house cleaning services in Des Moines and the surrounding area?

Experience the joy of a wonderfully sparkling space with phClean. From our super-organized scheduling team to our detail-oriented cleaners, everyone on the team does their part to keep your home clean and shiny! We're so confident you'll love the results, we guarantee your satisfaction. 

From your bathroom to the kitchen, every corner of your space will shine. Need to be home? No problem. We’ll work around you. Need to run errands, catch some fresh air, or take a walk to Salisbury House? We've got you covered. So what are you waiting for? Get a free quote today and get started!

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